Sunday, September 03, 2006

Kathryn's Dinner Menu for September

Here is my tentative menu for the month. It is posted on my bulletin board and is very handy to refer to. It definitely beats having to think up something for dinner, but if I want to try something else, or something comes up, it's not set in hard concrete. I try to rotate meals out and not have similar dishes several night in a row. I usually do a lot of the cooking one weekend a month and have freezer entrees ready for my husband to pop in the oven at 5 o'clock. Add a salad or cooked veggies, some type of bread or biscuits, and sometimes a dessert and we are all set.

We normally have yogurt, cereal, and fruit for breakfast except on weekends, then I might do pancakes or a coffee cake. Lunches are planned-overs or sandwiches.

1--fast food
2--sloppy joes over cornbread, sliced fresh peaches
3--Sunday--eat out
4--Hot Dog Roast!
5--BBQ meatballs and pasta
6--frozen pizza (care group tonight)
7--Poor Mans Steak, Mashed Potatoes
8--Pot Roast and Veggies
9--Hot Ham and Cheese Subs
10--Sunday--Eat out
11--Baked Ziti
12--Basil Pork Chops, Two Tomato Pasta
13--subs (care group tonight)
14--Sausage and Potato Bake
16--Potato and Ham Quiche
17--Sunday lunch w/ caregroup--(outreach to Furman and North Greenville students) Spaghetti and trimmings
19--BBQ Ham 'n Peaches
20--Pizza Joes
22--Provolone Burgers
23--Loaded Garlic Bread and Fruit Smoothies
24--Sunday--Eat out
25--Pulled Pork BBQ
26--Beef Gyros
27--(care group tonight) Mac n Cheese with Hot Dog Rings
28--Fire Roasted Ziti with Sausage
29--Philly Steak Subs
30--Steaks, Pommes Anna

TAGS: menus

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